Girls Middle School
It is with hearts overflowing with gratitude to הקב״ה and lips beseeching Him to shower our immense efforts with siyata d’Shmaya that we welcome you to the inaugural year of the Hebrew Academy of Cleveland’s Girls Middle School. It has been a dream in the making for our community.
ברוך שהחיינו וקיימנו והגיענו לזמן הזה
Our vision and dream is to create a home away from home for our girls; a bastion of education, friendship, and growth, ברוח ישראל סבא . It should be a place where our students will be excited to come to each morning. When we are motivated, enthusiastic and positive, these vibes penetrate the school and create the experience we envision.
To put our mission into three words, the girls in our middle school will strive to:
Respect, Reflect, and Connect
Respect - Our division will have a strong focus on self respect, recognizing גדלות האדם, appreciating and understanding one's inherent value as a צלם אלוקים. This is the basis for all healthy self esteem. כבוד בין אדם לחברו is the natural next rung on the ladder. One who is truly secure in herself can treat others with kindness and be generous with complimenting others. There will be zero tolerance for hurting other’s feelings. Each student must come to school knowing that she will be physically and emotionally safe and protected. How else could she grow? This will flow into a culture of כיבוד הורים ומורים, which will eventually lead the student to the ultimate expression of כבוד towards הקב״ה.
Reflect - Young children tend to parrot what they hear and see, older teens often have a knee jerk reaction to do the opposite of what they are told. Middle school is that beautiful stage where the students can hear, think, question, and explore from a sense of openness and curiosity which we encourage. Questions and clarifications about our glorious meosrah, halacha, and approach to life will be welcomed.
Connect - Finally, when our students are confident in who they are and show כבוד to themselves, peers, parents and staff, and ‘ה, when they are encouraged to think and to grow, then, we will be able to shep נחת as our children connect with their inner selves, develop positive peer groups, establish relationships with their teachers, and ultimately connect to Hashem in every step of their day.
May the Ribono Shel Olam shower His bracha on this new endeavor, and may we open our doors soon as the Hebrew Academy of Yerushalayim, Girls Middle School!